Monday, October 4, 2010

Omnimo 2

Omnimo 2 is a Rainmeter UI that was made by fediaFedia and Xyrfo from DeviantArt. They have made a great product and here is what I like about it and why I am recommending it to everyone.

  • First off, with the new Raineter it is very easy to install the skin compared to the old way of manually placing skins in the right folders.
  • The Customization of Omnimo 2's look is quite easy with a gallery of new panels you can add to your desktop and change colors, and if your code savvy you can pretty much change the look of every part of Omnimo 2, (but it isn't required to get just the look you want).
  • The Omnimo team did a good job in making sure everything worked just as it should with no coding needed from the user, or a * tech degree required skin menu.
  • fediaFedia actually helps users by giving them tips when they are unable to do something. This is really cool for a "Deviant" since most of them expect everyone who uses their products to know the coding that made it.
In short Omnimo 2 is a simple to use Rainmeter theme with almost limitless customization for basic computer users that want to spice up their desktop. If you would like to check it out please visit fediaFedia's Omnimo page to learn more and try it out for yourself.

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